How it started
Having known about healing oils for some time—a slightly sceptical Ben Gadsdon—founder—decided to conduct his own research on the therapeutic claims for himself.
Ben paints houses for a living which is physically demanding—carrying heavy loads of paint, rolling ceilings and painting hard to reach places, which takes its toll on the body. In his own words, 'I am the perfect candidate to test out these so-called healing products as I experience pain daily.' Many tradies in their 40's endure old niggling injuries—especially noticeable on cold winter mornings.
Having researched several products and companies, Ben coincidently stumbled across a manufacturer in rural NSW who he just happened to know—an old mate. After a rekindling their mateship they came to an agreement to help each other out. Ben would be the test-dummy for the healing oils and balms, while his mate got feedback to refine the product.
After 6 months, the results were in and proved effective, Ben's arthritic pains and old injuries were a thing of the past. He quickly became an advocate and has since discovered a new calling, GREEN GOLD Healing oils and balms.

RIP Archie 2004-2020
Another factor that convinced the Gadsdon family to invest in healing oils were the final years spent with their beloved dog Archie. Like many Australian dogs Archie was a bit of a mongrel, part lab, part kelpie, a beautiful family dog who loved the beach, the water, and retrieving sticks or balls.
In 2018 Ben noticed his old mate was struggling. A couple of trips to the vet revealed what a many dogs experience in their senior years; joint pain and mobility issues caused by ageing. Ben decided to introduce Archie to the magic of CBD oil, starting on small doses and gradually increasing it. Within weeks, the improvement in Archie's movement and comfort levels were noticaable and the visible signs were amazing to see! Archie had regained a new-found energy and enthusiasm for life—his wagging tail was a clear sign that he was feeling better.
Unfortunately, it wasn't a fairy tale ending and Archie did eventually pass away—naturally, the family was devastated. The Gadsdon family with the help of CBD oils got an additional 2 years more joy with Archie, which doesn't sound like a lot, but that's 14 more dog years.